The Barry-Lawrence Regional Library is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate in any of its employment practices on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or physical disability unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification.
The Barry-Lawrence Regional Library strives to provide for all its employees a work environment that is pleasant, professional, and free from intimidation, hostility, or other offense that might interfere with work performance. Harassment in any form (verbal, physical, visual) by a customer, another employee, supervisor, director, or board member will not be tolerated.
All employees, especially supervisors, have a responsibility to keep the work environment free of harassment. Any employee who becomes aware of an incident of harassment, whether by witnessing the incident or being told about it, must report it as soon as possible to his/her immediate supervisor or the Library Director.
An employee who feels he/she is being victimized by harassment should immediately contact his/her supervisor or the Library Director. Any validated complaint of harassment will result in immediate and appropriate disciplinary action of the offending party. In the event that the offending part is a member of the Library District’s Board of Trustees, the appointing authority will be immediately notified and a request made that the offending party be immediately removed from the Board.
Some problems may not be satisfactorily resolved through this method; therefore, a formal grievance procedure may be filed (see Grievance Procedure, Section 9.4)
All complaints will be held in the strictest confidence to the extent it does not interfere with the investigation. Retaliation of any sort will not be permitted. If it is found that a charge of harassment is filed maliciously or with malfeasance, the person filing the complaint will be subject to disciplinary action.
Applications—Vacancy: Upon posting of a vacancy, an applicant for the position may file an application with the Library Director. Such application shall include the applicant’s education, experience and ability. Applications will be placed on file for a duration of six months.
Recruitment: When a vacancy occurs, the Library Director may advertise the position. New applications and applications held on file will be considered. When a position becomes available eligible library employees may internally post for a vacant or new position at any branch in the system.
Interview: The Library Director shall review all applications, select qualified candidates, and may interview such applicants as he/she deems necessary to fill the supervisor positions. All candidates for a non-supervisory position may also be interviewed by the supervisor of the branch in which he/she will be working. The Library Director is the final appointing authority and all permanent appointments shall be made by him/her.
Rejected Applicants: Rejected applicants that have been interviewed will receive a letter of notification that the position has been filled. All applications shall be kept on file in the Regional Office for a period of six months.
E-Verify Program: In compliance with the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, Barry-Lawrence Regional Library participates in the E-Verify Program and complies with regulations from the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security. New employees will have their information submitted to the E-Verify system after completing the Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Form) form.
Criminal and Sex Offender Background Checks: Barry-Lawrence Regional Library will conduct a criminal background check and sex offender registry check on all new employees as a part of an offer of employment that is made contingent upon the results of a criminal background check. Depending on the nature of the work, volunteers will also have to undergo a criminal background check. The final decision on whether a criminal background check will be performed on volunteers will be made by the Library Director based on the level of direct supervision provided for the position and the nature of the task.
In performing a criminal background check and sex offender registry check:
·        Job applicants will be informed that criminal background and sex offender registry checks will be conducted when an offer of employment is made.
·        Conditional employees will complete a consent form authorizing the criminal background and sex offender registry check.
·        Criminal background and sex offender registry checks will be initiated and reviewed by the person(s) responsible for Human Resources.
·        Due to the confidential nature of criminal background checks, only those responsible for Human Resources are authorized to conduct criminal background and sex offender registry checks or review the results.
·        Background check records will be maintained in secure files in the administrative offices.
When the results of a criminal background or sex offender registry check indicates that a conditional employee has an offense on their record, the Director will review the results to determine if the offense disqualifies the employee for continued employment.
1.4A Background Check Authorization Form
It is the goal of the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library to avoid creating or perpetuating circumstances in which the possibility of favoritism, conflicts of interest, or impairment of efficient operations may occur.
Therefore, no person may be employed by the Library who is related within the third degree by blood, marriage, or domestic partnership to any member of the Board or the Library Director. In this context, related shall mean or include parent, child, spouse, domestic partner, sibling, grandparent, great-grandparent, grandchild, great grandchild, uncle, great uncle, aunt, great aunt, nephew, great nephew, niece, great niece, or cousins, including step, half, foster, or in-laws.
Those hired and related as outlined above to other library employees may not be supervised by said employee or within the same chain of command (direct reporting relationship).
If a conflict should exist or arise after employment, the Library will attempt to find a suitable position within the Library to which one of the affected employees may transfer. If accommodation of this nature is not feasible, the employees will be permitted to determine which of them will resign.