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Updated: Nov 26, 2024


Termination from the Library will normally occur through one of the following actions:

  • Resignation—voluntary termination by the employee.

  • Retirement—voluntary termination by the employee.

  • Dismissal—involuntary termination by the Library for just and sufficient cause.

Voluntary Termination: Exempt employees are asked to provide at least four (4) weeks’ notice of intended resignation in writing. Non-exempt employees are asked to provide at least two (2) weeks’ notice of intended resignation in writing. The effective date of termination is the last day of actual work. Any remaining unused and accrued vacation will be paid to the employee in the next regularly scheduled payroll period. Accrued sick leave will not be paid.

Involuntary Termination: Reasons for dismissal may be categorized under three (3) major headings:

  • Unsatisfactory performance

  • Unsatisfactory conduct

  • Lack of qualifications for the job

The effective date of termination is the last day of actual work. An employee who has been dismissed will be paid any remaining unused and accrued vacation in the next regularly scheduled payroll period. Accrued sick leave will not be paid. Accrued sick leave is also cancelled if an employee terminates employment and then is rehired.

Other Termination Issues:

  • Benefits—Upon the date of termination, the employee will lose status as an “employee” for benefit purposes and will no longer be eligible for any Library benefits.

    • Health Insurance—Employees who participate in the health/dental insurance plan(s) sponsored by the Library will have coverage through their last day on the job or through the end of the month depending on the policy of the current health insurance provider. The employee may elect to continue coverage as specified under COBRA regulations. The premium for this continued coverage is to be fully paid by the terminated employee.

  • Library Property—Prior to his/her last day on the job, the terminating employee is responsible for turning in all Library property to his/her supervisor. This includes any items that have been within his/her possession, including keys, materials, equipment and other Library property.

  • Date of Termination—The date of termination will be the last day the employee actually works in the Library. This date may not be extended by vacation, holiday, or sick time. However, if the employee is on a Leave of Absence and terminates while on Leave or fails to return from the Leave, the termination date will be the date of notification or the last day of the Leave of Absence.

  • Holidays Relative to Termination of Employment: If an employee resigns, he/she will not be paid for holiday leave unless the holiday falls within the last full week of employment. This provision shall not apply to employees on approved leave, such as vacation. Any exception to this policy must have prior approval of the Library Director.

  • Vacation Relative to Termination of Employment: An employee who has resigned, been dismissed, or has retired shall be paid for unused vacation leave in the next regularly scheduled payroll period. An employee who has not worked for one full year or completed a vacation eligibility year at the time of his/her termination of employment (leaves prior to January 1st--the beginning of a new vacation year) is not eligible to receive a prorated vacation.

  • Sick Leave Relative to Termination of Employment: If an employee resigns, retires, or is otherwise terminated, he/she will not be paid for unused accumulated sick leave. Accumulated sick leave is also cancelled if an employee terminates employment and then is rehired.


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