Nov 201 min read
A Change To Non-Resident Fees
NOTE: This change will NOT affect patrons living inside the BLRL library district (only those outside Barry-Lawrence counties will be...
Contact Information:
202 Jefferson · Aurora, MO 65605
Phone: 417-678-2036 · Fax: 417-678-2041
Leigh Ann Self, Youth Services
Vickey Maples, Adult Services
Monday - Friday 8:30 am -5:30 pm
Saturday 8:30 am -5:30 pm
Sunday: CLOSED
Additional Information:
Books to Go: Volunteer drivers make regularly scheduled deliveries of books, audiobooks, CDs and videos in the Aurora area.
Friends of the Library:
The Aurora "Friends" group is an active support unit. They sponsor children`s programs and supply funds for library projects. Anyone who loves the library may be a Friend and provide support. Annual dues are: $5.00 Individual, $10.00 Family, $25.00 Patron, $50.00 Benefactor.
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