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Updated: Sep 29, 2023

As library representatives to the community, it is expected that all employees will use good judgment in choosing their attire, taking into consideration their position, contact with the public and safety standards. Therefore, employees shall present a neat, clean, and well groomed appearance at all times. Dress must be appropriate for the type of work being done and not offensive to customers and co-workers. The following general principles shall govern employee attire:

· Desk and office employees are expected to present a professional appearance by wearing appropriate office attire.

· In general, the following types of attire are inappropriate for all desk and office employees:

o Sweat suits or other athletic wear

o Leggings worn as trousers

o Shorts of any kind, including dress shorts

o Excessively bare sundresses

o Tank tops or camisoles—shoulders must be covered

o Faded, torn, ripped, stained, or ragged jeans

o Shirts with logos, images, text, etc. on the front or back (unless approved by director)

o Hemlines more than 3” above the knee

o Clothing that is too tight or revealing

o Bare feet or flip flops

o Caps, hats, sweat bands, or bandanas (unless approved by director)

o Visible tattoos, buttons, stickers or any other accessory or item of apparel (including jewelry) that espouses a cause, supports a political candidate or platform, expresses an opinion, or is violent, hateful, insulting, threatening, or profane.

· Personal hygiene is an important aspect of customer service and must be properly maintained to avoid creating an environment that is offensive to customers and fellow employees.

· Library employees may wear library approved t-shirts and polo shirts any day of the week with jeans, slacks, or skirts, i.e. SRC themed, BLRL logo, etc.

· All employees are required to wear the current version of the employee badge when working their scheduled shift and when representing the Library District.

Branch supervisors have the responsibility to ensure that employees meet acceptable standards of dress. If the Supervisor determines that an employee is inappropriately dressed for work, the Supervisor may send the employee home to change or ask that the employee make acceptable modifications to their attire, such as putting on a sweater. The branch supervisor will consult the Library Director prior to removing any employee from the work place for violation of this policy. Employees sent home to change will not be paid for the time they are away from their work area.

Amended and Approved by Vote of Library Board of Trustees, September 21, 2023.

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