Full time employees will accrue paid sick leave at the rate of 8 (eight) hours per month. Sick leave may not exceed the maximum of ninety six (96) hours per calendar year. Accrued sick leave is computed on a continuous basis and may be accumulated to a maximum of 384 hours.
Part time employees that work twenty (20) or more hours per week will accrue paid sick leave at the rate of four (4) hours per month. Sick leave may not exceed the maximum of forty eight (48) hours per calendar year. Accrued sick leave is computed on a continuous basis and may be accumulated to a maximum of 192 hours.
An employee may use earned vacation time for an extended illness with approval of the Library Director.
No sick leave will be allowed during the first three (3) months of employment, but sick leave will accrue from the beginning date of employment. After three (3) months of employment, each full time employee will be credited with sick leave at a rate of eight (8) hours per month and a part time employee (20+ hours per week) will be credited with sick leave at a rate of four (4) hours per month.
Sick leave with pay will be granted for:
Actual personal illness or injury
Employee doctor or dental appointments
An illness or doctor appointment related to the immediate family, which must include those living in the household (mother, father, child, spouse) or if the employee is the primary caregiver for a relative.
Sick leave may be taken in increments of one (1) or more hours.
Employees that take leave in excess of three (3) consecutive workdays must submit medical documentation from a licensed facility.
Sick leave is not to be taken as accumulated time off.
An employee must submit a leave request slip immediately after returning from sick leave. All sick leave must be recorded on the employee’s monthly time sheet.
Sick Leave Relative to Termination of Employment: If an employee resigns, retires, or is otherwise terminated, he/she will not be paid for unused accumulated sick leave. Accumulated sick leave is also cancelled if an employee terminates employment and then is rehired.
Revisions Approved by the Board of Trustees, October 19, 2017