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A “volunteer” is anyone who chooses to perform services for the Library without compensation or expectation of compensation and who performs volunteer services at the direction of Library staff. A volunteer is not an employee of the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library.

The Library welcomes and encourages members of the community to volunteer their time and talents to enrich and expand library services. Volunteers may be used for special events, projects, and activities, or on a regular basis to assist staff. Duties may include, but are not limited to:

· Straightening and organizing magazine shelves.

· Preparing uncataloged paperbacks for circulation (ownership stamp and date due slips).

· Assisting with children’s programs, particularly craft programs.

· Cutting bookmarks apart or folding tri-fold flyers.

· Preparing welcome bags for new customers.

· Cleaning books, DVD cases, or other materials.

· Checking spine labels that need to be retyped and replaced.

· Dusting shelves.

· Shredding.

· Straightening shelves.

Services provided by volunteers will supplement, but not replace, regular services, and volunteers will not be used in place of hiring full or part time staff. Volunteers will not receive training in the Library’s circulation system nor will they be allowed access to the customer database. Volunteers will not be allowed access to non-public areas when not volunteering.

A volunteer must be at least 13 years of age to donate service to the Library. Those under the age of 18 must have permission from a parent or guardian to perform volunteer services, and such volunteer services shall comply with applicable law. All volunteers must adhere to established Library policies and procedures.

Paid staff may not volunteer their services to the library except with written permission from the Library Director.

The Library staff is responsible for the basic orientation of volunteers before they begin to work, for informing them of library policies, and for giving them such training as may be necessary for the specific tasks to which they will be assigned. The staff is also responsible for keeping volunteers informed of any changes in policies and procedures.

Nothing in this policy or in the volunteer’s service to the Library shall create a contract or employment relationship between the volunteer and the Library. Both the volunteer and the Library have the right to end the volunteer’s association with the Library at any time. Barry-Lawrence Regional Library does not provide any medical, health, or worker’s compensation benefits for any volunteer, and volunteers do not accrue, earn, or become entitled by reason of performing volunteer service for the Library to any benefits afforded by the Library to its staff.

All volunteers will need to fill out a Library Volunteer Application form and sign the Volunteer Agreement.


9.3A Library Volunteer Application

9.3B Volunteer Agreement

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