Branch evaluations will be done twice a year, without notice. Once during the first 6 months and one during the last 6 months of the year. Branch supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their branch library ready to be evaluated at any given time. Each branch will be evaluated on overall appearance, collection maintenance, appearance of donated materials/book sale items, condition of the shelves, signage, bulletin boards, magazine display/storage, staff work area appearance, custodial area/public restrooms, and lights/building maintenance. During the evaluation process the following items should be readily available:
· Evacuation/Emergency information sheet (PPM 5.131A)
· Branch library bookmarks
· Computer usage policy
· Labor posters
· “What you need to know” manual
· Staff name badges (should be worn)
· Public access computer sign in sheets
At the first evaluation of the year each supervisor will be asked to provide a list of major maintenance and/or equipment needs. This list will be used during the annual budget preparation process.
The Library Director and Administrative Assistant are responsible for evaluating each branch library. Evaluations will be discussed with the supervisor and the supervisor will be asked to sign the form. A photocopy will be provided to each supervisor. Original evaluations are kept on file at the Regional Office.