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Updated: Jan 22


Meeting rooms are available at the Aurora, Cassville, Marionville, Monett, Mt. Vernon, Pierce City, and Shell Knob Branches. The Barry Lawrence Regional Library meeting rooms are primarily intended for library or library related (Friends of the Library) meetings, programs, and events. When not needed for these purposes, the rooms may be available for free or for a fee, as set by the Library Board of Trustees. Priority for use will be as follows:

· Governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, or community groups with 501(c)(3) status (must supply proof).

· Not for profit organizations or community groups without 501(c)(3) status.

· For profit businesses or organizations.

· Social gatherings such as birthday parties, baby showers, wedding showers,

reunions, luncheons, dinners, events, etc. (fees charged for ALL types of groups including nonprofit and governmental)

There are no meeting room fees for governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations or community groups with 501(c)(3) status (must supply proof). There are meeting room fees for social gatherings for ALL types of groups including nonprofit and governmental. Fees vary based on location and size of meeting room. All meeting room fees are nonrefundable if any group cancels a scheduled use of the meeting room less than two (2) working days prior to the scheduled use. In addition to the meeting room fees ALL groups (including those with 501(c)(3) status) are required to provide a refundable cleaning deposit fee. Cleaning fees vary based on location and size of meeting room. (See 7.6B Meeting Room Fees)

A completed application form and payment (preferably by check) of all fees and deposits is required before a meeting is scheduled. The library reserves the right to revoke or modify permission to use a meeting room and to modify conditions imposed on the use of the meeting room when necessary to adapt to the operational needs of the Library or the needs of Library users.

Meetings must be open to the general public (except when legitimately closed per state statutes) and all responsible parties must follow the guidelines developed by the Library Board of Trustees for the use of the room. As required by 15CSR 30-200.15 Library Certification Requirement for the Protection of Minors, subsection (e), all meetings that are open to the public must have an age-appropriate designation affixed to any publication, website, or advertisement for the meeting, i.e. Tots ages 0-3, Children ages 3-12, Teens ages 13-17, Adults Only ages 18+, and All Ages. The library does not stand in place of the parents/guardian (in loco parentis) when it comes to access to meetings. The responsibility for meeting attendance for a minor child rests solely with the parent or legal guardian.

The library reserves the right to attend any meeting held in its facilities (except lawful executive sessions of governmental bodies).

No charges, fees, or solicitations shall be made at any meeting or gathering. No donations of money or other property may be solicited or collected from the audience/attendees. No promotions or sales of services, products, merchandise, materials or other items are allowed.

· Sales of services, products, merchandise, materials or items or solicitations for donations authorized pursuant to a library-sponsored program or event, or on behalf of the Friends of the Library are permitted.

· Appearances by an author or performer are allowed and encouraged. Any author or performer that charges for an appearance must contract with the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library and have their fee approved by the Director.

· The sale of an individual author’s books is not allowed except when done by an established library group for fund raising purposes. An established library group, such as the Friends of the Library, may sell copies of the author’s books for autographing with the net proceeds going to the sponsoring group for the benefit of Barry-Lawrence Regional Library and/or its individual branch locations.

· Educational courses offered by either the library or outside groups or instructors may require a tuition charge or fee with prior approval of the Library Board of Trustees.

Meeting room reservations may be made up to one year in advance. Scheduling by a group that consistently meets at the same time each week or month prohibits general availability of the meeting room to the public. Such groups or organizations may be asked by the branch supervisor to reschedule their meeting at a different time to accommodate other community requests. The exception to this would be classes or a program series that has been specifically approved in advance by the branch supervisor, Director, or the Board of Trustees.

Groups may use the meeting rooms under the following rules:

· Audiovisual equipment must be requested in advance (varies by location), and an equipment release form must be signed by the responsible party.

· Each group is responsible for setting up, cleaning up and returning furniture to its original location.

· Furniture, equipment or supplies may not be stored on Library property. The Library assumes no responsibility for items left on the premises.

· Groups using Library owned equipment and facilities shall assume financial responsibility to reimburse the Library for the repair of damaged equipment, repair of damage to the building interior, or the replacement of missing equipment.

· Groups using a meeting room will hold harmless the Library district and its branch locations, for injuries and accidents as a result of carelessness.

· Refreshments are allowed. Food preparation is allowed on a case-by-case basis with prior supervisor approval. Groups are responsible for providing their own supplies (coffee cups, napkins, etc.) and for all clean up. All food must be removed.

· No signs, displays, decorations or exhibits may be attached to the doors, walls, or windows of the room. The use of tacks and tape is not allowed.

· Room use involves tables, chairs and internet access. Any additional equipment is the responsibility of the person, group, or agency booking the room. Please note that the user is responsible for scheduling any training in the use of library equipment and for securing the password for WiFi access in advance of scheduled meeting.

· Smoking, vaping, drugs, and/or alcoholic beverages are not allowed.

· No candles or open flames are allowed. Sterno for chafing dishes is allowed with prior supervisor approval.

· Children must be supervised at all times. Failure to do so may lead to expulsion of violators.

· Seating capacity may not be exceeded (varies by location).

· Any exceptions to the policies must be approved by the director on a case-by-case basis.

Groups may use meeting rooms after hours.

· The responsible party that schedules the meeting after hours must sign the “statement of responsibility” form. (See 7.6A Meeting Room Responsibility Form)

· The responsible party must secure a key or security code for the room from the branch staff.

· Light and environmental systems must be turned off before exiting the building and the key must be returned to the library by the next business day. If the key is not returned by the next business day a $5 per day fee will be imposed until the key is returned.

· All outside entry and exit doors must be secured before leaving the premises. If left unlocked, meeting room privileges will be subject to discontinuation. Further responsibility may be designated for any branch that has an unsecured exit through the library.

Permission to use a meeting room is revocable and does not constitute a lease. Permission to use a meeting room does not imply that the Library, Board of Trustees, or staff endorses the aims, policies, activities or views of the group, organization or person(s) using the Library’s meeting rooms. No group may imply in its publicity that the library has sponsored or supported its meeting or group, unless prior written permission is obtained from the Director or Library Board of Trustees. Publicly distributed marketing materials for any program held in a Library meeting room must include the language, “This program is not affiliated with or sponsored by the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library”.

Anyone using the Library’s meeting rooms must abide by the terms of this policy and the Library’s Rules of Conduct. All juvenile groups must have adequate adult supervision.


Study Rooms are only available at the Monett Branch location. Use of the study rooms is free and are only available during normal business operating hours.

Patrons must sign in at the information desk and may use a study room for a maximum of two (2) hours unless no one is waiting. Study rooms remain locked at all times.

No more than two (2) patrons are allowed per small study room and no more than eight (8) patrons are allowed in the large study room. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by a supervisor.

Time may be reserved up to one day in advance, in no more than two (2) hour increments. Additional time may be available if no other patrons are waiting to use the study rooms.

Patrons that are late for their scheduled reservation will forfeit the unused portion of their reserved time. Those who are more than ten (10) minutes late may lose their entire reserved time.

Anyone using the Library's study rooms must abide by the terms of this policy and the Library's "Patron Rules of Conduct".


5.52 Patron Rules of Conduct

7.6A Meeting Room Responsibility Form

7.6B Meeting Room Fees

7.6C Study Room Sign In Sheet

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