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Monett Community Comes Together Over BBQ Chicken This Saturday.

The Monett community support for the Library was not dampened despite the less than ideal weather at the BBQ Chicken Lunch Fundraiser this Saturday. Hundreds of chicken lunches were distributed, and thousands of dollars were donated. The group of volunteers of all ages and library staff running the event "sold out" around 2 pm and raised a grand total of $3455.

"It was amazing to see so many smiling people cruse up and donate to our new library branch and teen programs," says Children's & Teen Librarian Amber Burnham. She continued, "First of all, we have to thank our local business sponsors (Brown Bag, Tyson, Prime Cut, Jami Lynn's, Momma Buns, & Price Cutter) they made this fundraiser a reality. The TAG group and volunteer grown-ups also deserve a huge amount of gratitude. Finally, the Monett community that lined up in the rain down the street to support the New Library and the Library Teens deserve a sustained round of applause."

For more info about the new Library and how you can donate, click here.

Everything the Barry- Lawrence Regional Library does is funded through community support. Thank You.


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