The BLRL has always empowered parents and guardians to make ALL decisions about their minor children’s access to all Library Services and Materials.

Parents/guardians must choose whether or not their minor children ages 6-17 are to be issued a BLRL library card and they should make that choice understanding that if their children are issued their own BLRL library card they will have FULL ACCESS to library services, materials, and resources including online services.
All children’s library cards will expire on July 1st 2023 due to new State of Missouri regulations. Parents and guardians of minor children are required to acknowledge this in writing with a new form available at the library welcome desk. This form, signed by a parent or legal guardian, is required for ALL Library Cards issued to any minor children.
To download the required “Library Card Application Form” use the link below to fill, print, and return it to any branch of the BLRL:
Also if you or your child are participating in library programs it would be a convenient time to fill out and return a liability waiver which can be found at this link: