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Who & Why, Library Impact Study

A Pew Research study states that we depend on libraries to help members of our communities in some surprising and specific ways. Most American adults and teens say that public libraries help in areas such as acquiring health care information or learning about new technologies. Along with this conclusion, (see figure >)

It may also be worth your time to see who in our community uses the library. Whereas the stats are nationwide they probably don't vary too much from what you would see here in Barry and Lawrence Counties.

Who Uses the Library:

The Barry-Lawrence Regional Library’s mission is “Connecting People to the Transforming Power of Knowledge.” We carry out this mission through nine branch libraries located in Aurora, Cassville, Eagle Rock, Marionville, Miller, Monett, Mt. Vernon, Pierce City, and Shell Knob. We are Missouri’s 1st consolidated library district and hold one of the state’s largest public library collections of books and other media. Everyone is welcome at the library. To find out more about the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library, visit our website at

Community support funds everything the library does. Thank You.

Learn more: This information is all taken from the article Chapter 1: Who Uses Libraries and What They do at Their Libraries BY JOHN B. HORRIGAN found at the following link:


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