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The Library Adds New Technology With Help From LSTA Grants

Updated: Jul 7, 2020

The Barry-Lawrence Regional Library recently purchased computers made for children, wireless hot-spots, staff workstations, and media equipment for virtual programming. Receiving several LSTA Grants helped the Library to afford these tech upgrades.

The Technology Mini-Grant project replaced 20 aging computers used by staff at branches throughout the BLRL system for a total cost of $21,330. LSTA funds received for this grant provided 75% of the total cost equaling $15,720 with library funds providing the remaining 25% of the total cost.

The second LSTA Grant, the Technology Ladder Grant, replaced 8 aging AWE Children’s Computers at locations throughout the BLRL system. Some of the computers that were being replaced were able to be reused and sent to smaller branches who did not currently have a children’s computer available for use. The total cost for the project was $23, 673 with LSTA funds providing 75% of the total cost equaling $17,754 and the library proving the remaining 25% of the total cost.

Additionally, the library received a CARES Grant through the LSTA that allowed for the purchase of 30 wireless hot spots and various media equipment to provide enhanced virtual programs. Due to recent limitations on how the library is able to safely provide services to the public due to Covid-19 this grant will enable the library to better provide for our community. The hot spots will be able to be checked out by patrons to provide temporary wireless internet access for those who do not have or cannot afford internet service at their homes. The media equipment purchased through the grant includes a laptop computer, green screen, camcorder with SD card and tripod, and a wireless headset. These will be used by staff to record or livestream fun and educational programs for patrons of all ages and safely allow participation from home through the internet, especially during this time when large public gatherings are limited. LSTA provided funds for the total cost of this project, which was $25,066.

The BLRL’s Computer Technician Lee Ann Santee applied for all three of these grants and is quoted as saying she is “thrilled the library received these funds that will help in continuing the library’s plan to improve and add to the technology offered to the community”.

*This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.


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