The Barry-Lawrence Regional Library Board of Trustees encourages the organization of community groups whose primary objectives are to support the branch libraries and to encourage greater use of the library and its services in the community. Such groups shall be known as Friends of the Library.
The role of the Friends is a support group, rather than a policy-making body. Friends may raise money through book sales (one per year, per FOL group), sponsorship of special events or other means endorsed by the Board of Trustees and/or the Library Director.
Each branch library location may be associated with a Friends of the Library group.
The objectives of such groups should reflect the following aims:
· To create public interest in the library.
· To assist in public relations and community awareness of and use of the library.
· To foster public support for the necessary development of the library.
· To encourage gifts and memorials for the library.
· To purchase special items which cannot be taken care of in the library’s budget.
· To sponsor programs that support the library’s mission.
The Board of Trustees supports the organization of Friends of the Library groups under the following guidelines:
· Must have an organizational structure, a set of bylaws, and a non-profit corporation status with the Missouri Secretary of State.
· Bylaws must be approved by the Board of Trustees. The approved bylaws and the Secretary of State incorporation certificate must be on file at the Regional Office.
· Fundraising activities in the respective communities must have prior approval of the Library Director and Branch Supervisor.
· Must have an annual dues structure for membership, have a set time to solicit annual membership, and a meeting schedule.
· Branch supervisor or a representative of the library branch shall attend all meetings of the Friends group.
· The annual treasurer’s report for the Friends group shall be filed with the Library Director at the end of the calendar year.
· Any funds designated for the purchase of books, library materials, programs, or special items shall be turned over to the Branch Supervisor, with all purchases and contracts to be made through the Regional Office.
· Friends meetings shall be open to the general public and be held at the library.
The Board of Trustees will approve official recognition when it is satisfied that the group is organized within the framework of the above objectives and is in compliance with all library policies.
The Library has the final say in accepting or declining any and all gifts made to the library.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to review its recognition of the Friends group(s) at any time.
If the Friends group(s) ceases to actively fundraise and promote the Library, they will be disbanded, allowing for a new Friends group to be established in the future.