An optional health insurance plan is offered to all full time employees, including new full time employees that have successfully completed the initial employment period. For those employees who elect to enroll, the library district will pay a set amount per month, per employee towards the monthly insurance premium. The additional cost of the premium is paid by the employee through voluntary payroll deduction. Dependent coverage is available and 100% of the premium cost for dependents is paid by the employee through voluntary payroll deduction. Insurance premiums are deducted before taxes.
A COBRA plan is offered through the insurance company to any full time insured employee that is no longer employed by the library district. Employees that elect to have COBRA coverage will bear the full cost of the insurance premium.
All full time employees, including new full time employees that have successfully completed the initial employment period, are eligible for dental coverage. The library district pays 100% of the monthly insurance premium for the employee only. Dependent coverage is available and 100% of the premium cost for dependents is paid by the employee through voluntary payroll deduction.
The library district offers dental coverage to employees who are considered retired. The retiree signs an annual contract to pay 100% of the cost of the monthly premium directly to the library district.
All full time employees, including new full time employees that have successfully completed the initial employment period, are eligible for vision coverage. The library district pays 100% of the monthly insurance premium for the employee only. Dependent coverage is available and 100% of the premium cost for dependents is paid by the employee through voluntary payroll deduction.
Various optional supplemental insurance plans such as life insurance and AFLAC are offered on a voluntary payroll deduction plan to all employees, including new employees that have completed the initial employment period. Premiums are paid by the employee at 100%.
The library district in accordance with Missouri Workers’ Compensation Law (287.140 RSMo) offers a comprehensive workers’ compensation insurance program at no cost to all employees. An employee who is injured while working at his/her job may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.
Employees must report all accidents immediately to their supervisor or the Regional Office. No matter how minor an on the job injury may appear, it is important that it be reported immediately. This will enable the eligible employee to qualify for coverage as quickly as possible. Failure to notify the library district of a work injury within thirty (30) days may jeopardize employees’ ability to receive workers’ compensation benefits.
If an employee is injured on the job, the following procedures should be used:
Any employee that sustains a work-related injury should contact his/her supervisor or the Regional Office immediately. The injured employee should also complete the Accident Report Form and send the completed form to the Regional Office within three (3) days. The report form creates the foundation for worker’s compensation claims, and must be completed as accurately as possible. The Library Director will use this form to complete the “Notice of First Loss” required by the Library’s insurance carrier for consideration of coverage.
Provide first aid as needed.
If necessary employee should be sent to a workers’ compensation approved medical provider for treatment. The employee should tell the medical provider that the treatment is to be billed as worker’s compensation from the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library. If the employee chooses to go to another doctor without prior authorization it is at his/her expense.
While the employee is on worker’s compensation disability, he/she will continue to accrue benefits. Employee income received while on leave under this policy shall not exceed wages the employee would have normally received prior to worker’s compensation disability.
While an employee is on worker’s compensation leave, he/she shall not be engaged in outside employment.
During worker’s compensation leave the employee may be required to submit to periodic medical certifications on their health condition. Before returning to work, the employee shall provide a medical certification from a health care provider verifying that he/she may safely return to work.
Restricted duty or modified duty will be handled on a case-by-case basis depending on the recommendations from the treating physician and providing that work is available within the restrictions specified. The employee’s physical restrictions will be reviewed weekly (or as required) to ensure progress toward return to full duty.
Contact the Regional Office for further information concerning Workman’s Compensation. Additional information concerning the employee’s rights under Missouri Law can be found at www.labor.mo.gov/DWC.
Revision approved by Library Board of Trustees 01/16/2014