The Library District recognizes certain days during the year as paid holidays for its employees.
Full time employees in continuous service are eligible for all holidays.
Part time employees should be on a regular monthly schedule. If the holiday falls on a day they are normally scheduled to work, they will be paid for the holiday, but only for the number of hours they are typically scheduled.
Newly hired employees are eligible for paid holidays during their initial employment period.
Part time custodians are not eligible for paid holidays since they set their own schedules.
The following days will be observed as paid holidays:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
President’s Day
Labor Day
Independence Day
Memorial Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve Christmas Day
Library staff that are United States Veterans will be allowed to take Veteran’s Day as an additional paid holiday. Only veterans are allowed this privilege.
The Library is closed on Columbus Day (second Monday of October) for staff training. All staff members are expected to attend Staff Development Day.
If a holiday falls on a Sunday, it shall be celebrated on the following Monday. If a holiday falls on a day that a branch is typically closed, employees of that branch may request another day off during the holiday week.
When a full time employee’s normal day off coincides with an observed holiday, the employee may request another day off during the holiday week.
Holidays may only be scheduled after qualifying for the holiday and must be scheduled within the same week or pay period, unless prior approval is received from the Library Director.
Full time and part time employees are entitled to only the number of hours typically scheduled.
Holidays Relative to Termination of Employment: If an employee resigns, he/she will not be paid for holiday leave unless the holiday falls within the last full week of employment. This provision shall not apply to employees on approved leave, such as vacation. Any exception to this policy must have prior approval of the Library Director.
Revision approved by the Board of Trustees, January 21, 2021