
100+ Women Who Care Help Fill the Shelves of the New Monett Library

Gina Milburn, Niki Weber, Amy Sampson, Chelsea Bradley & Cindy Frazier pose with a few of the books the 100+ Women Who Care helped provide.

The Library purchased over 300 youth books for the Monett Library's Children's and Teen collections. The $3500 was donated earlier this year by the 100+ Women Who Care Monett organization.

Library Director Gina Milburn stated, "We are so thankful that the Monett community has continued to support the New Library; we may have finished the construction but we need donations more than ever."

Image of bookplate

All of the materials that were purchased with the "100+ Women's" donation have a bookplate inside the books. So every time these books are checked out the kids are reminded that the community cares about them and encourages them to learn and read.

If you would like to make a donation to any branch of the BLRL call the regional office for more info and to discuss how you would like to help your community.

BLRL Regional Office Phone: 417-235-6646

or email Gina at